Monday, September 14, 2009

Nike Training Club

To get young, female athletes training better, Nike created Nike Training Club, a tool that integrates training into girls’ lives in a fun, social and personalized way.

Nike Training Club is a global, online platform that allows girls to customize training programs and watch more than 70 instructional videos. Girls can also invite and challenge friends to join their workouts, track their group progress and customize an avatar. To give flexibility to girls on the go, we extended the Nike Training Club web experience to an iPhone app. The app provides users portable access to their training regimen, instructional videos, and leaderboard.


Untouched: Nike Training Club @ iTunesStore


You can set up a personalized workout program online and then access it from your iPhone. Whether you want to focus on cardio, strength training, flexibility, or balance, Nike Training Club helps you set up your customized program, including videos to show you just how to do new techniques. If you prefer to workout with friends, or to have some sort of competition to motivate you, you can coordinate workouts with friends and track each others’ progress.
